
Texts can help when someone is dealing with a mental health crisis

Texts can help when someone is dealing with a mental health crisis

UBCO researchers examine user responses to text-based crisis lines

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Psychedelic mushroom microdoses can improve mood, mental health

Psychedelic mushroom microdoses can improve mood, mental health

Microdosers noted improvements compared to non-microdosing peers

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UBCO researchers tune in to children’s screen time and sleep

UBCO researchers tune in to children’s screen time and sleep

Team looking at how screen and sleep habits have changed during COVID-19

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Medical cannabis users report consuming less tobacco

Medical cannabis users report consuming less tobacco

Reduced consumption attributed to onset of cannabis use

UBCO researchers explore the impact of canine cuddles on students

UBCO researchers explore the impact of canine cuddles on students

Physical contact with a dog makes a significant difference to wellbeing

Medical cannabis users report consuming less tobacco

Medical cannabis users report consuming less tobacco

Reduced consumption attributed to onset of cannabis use

Extraordinary academic achievement leads to major award win

Extraordinary academic achievement leads to major award win

The old adage ‘there is no I in team’ rings true for a recent UBC Okanagan graduate who has won a major financial award.

Perfectionists more likely to suffer from body dissatisfaction

Perfectionists more likely to suffer from body dissatisfaction

New research from UBC Okanagan finds young women who are perfectionistic are more likely to experience body dissatisfaction — a general unhappiness with, and negative attitude towards, their bodies.

UBCO researcher examines the need for positive support when a child is sexually abused

New research from UBC Okanagan has determined if a child knows they have safe support from a trusted adult, it significantly increases the chances of that child disclosing they have been sexually assaulted. This likelihood is especially true when the offender is a family member or trusted caregiver.

Multidisciplinary approach leads to top award for UBCO scholar

Multidisciplinary approach leads to top award for UBCO scholar

Although Aidan O’Callahan describes himself as a planner — a critical thinker who likes to get his ducks in a row before committing to anything — it’s almost a fluke he ended up at UBC Okanagan.