Undergraduate Academic Planning

Welcome to the Bachelor of Arts (BA) program in the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UBC Okanagan. This guide has been designed to help you plan your academic journey.

Degree Planning Tips

  • There are lots of choices, so have fun exploring your course options and selecting courses that are of interest to you.
  • If you wish to complete a 120-credit degree in four years, then you would choose 30 credits per year. Alternatively, you may choose to register for fewer courses and extend the length of your degree or take courses during the Summer Session.
  • To ensure you are meeting your BA degree foundational, distribution, program, and elective requirements reference the BA degree requirements on the Okanagan Academic Calendar.
  • For program-specific requirements for majors, minors, and honours degrees, see the Academic Calendar.

The Structure of the BA degree

BA degree requirements

In order to receive a BA degree at UBC Okanagan, you must complete a minimum of 120 credits. Within the 120 credits, you will be required to complete the courses required for your chosen specialization and the BA degree foundational and distribution degree requirements in the following areas: communication, critical thinking, Indigenous content, scientific or numeric literacy, creativity, digital literacy, power, diversity and culture, and sustainability and the environment. and the environment. The foundational and distribution degree requirements support and promote Indigenous worldviews, an understanding of knowledge systems, languages, culture, the environment and, systems of law and governance.

BA DEGREE Requirements in the Academic Calendar

Please note that if you joined the BA program prior to 2021, you have the choice of which version of the BA degree requirements you would like to complete. Connect with Academic Advising if you have questions about which version of the BA is right for you.


A total of 120 credits are required for the BA degree
Foundational Requirements

Total = 21 credits

12 credits
Critical Thinking
3 credits
Indigenous Content
3 credits
Scientific Literacy or Numeracy
3 credits
Distribution Requirements

Total = 12 credits

3 credits
Digital Literacy
3 credits
Power, Diversity and Cultures
3 credits
3 credits
Your major requirements

Total = 48 credits

Minimum of 18 lower level credits (1st and 2nd year courses)
Minimum of 30 upper level credits (3rd and 4th year courses)

Normally 39 credits

Total may vary depending on your major and double counting (see note below).

Note: When you begin course planning, you may notice that some courses can satisfy both your program (major) requirements and the BA degree foundational/distribution requirements. This is called double counting. When double counting occurs, you must take an extra elective (coursework in any discipline, any level) to ensure that you meet the 120-credit requirement for your degree.

Plan your degree

First-Year course planning guide

Term 1 Credits Term 2 Credits
First-Year major requirement 3 First-Year major requirement 3
Foundational Requirement –
Communications (100-level writing)
3 Foundational Requirement –Communications (200-level writing) 3
Foundational or Distribution Requirement 3 Foundational or Distribution Requirement 3
Foundational or Distribution Requirement
OR elective
3 Foundational or Distribution Requirement
OR elective
Foundational or Distribution Requirement
OR elective
3 Foundational or Distribution Requirement
OR elective

Sample course plans

See below sample first-year course plans to assist you in planning first-year courses to meet the BA degree requirements.

Term 1 Why did I choose this course? Term 2 Why did I choose this course?
ENGL 112 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement ENGL 203 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement
FREN 101 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement (language acquisition or language/linguistic appreciation requirement) ANTH 170 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement (language acquisition or language/linguistic appreciation requirement)
PHIL 120 This course meets 3 credits of my critical thinking requirement INDG 100 This course meets 3 credits of my Indigenous content requirement
CRWR 150 This course meets 3 credits of my creativity requirement STAT 121 This course meets 3 credits of my scientific literacy or numeracy requirement
PSYO 111 I think I may want to major in Psychology and I need this course to progress PSYO 121 I think I may want to major in Psychology and I need this course to progress
Term 1 Why did I choose this course? Term 2 Why did I choose this course?
ENGL 151 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement CORH 204 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement
DATA 101 This course meets 3 credits of my scientific literacy or numeracy requirement ANTH 170 This course meets 3 credits of my. communication requirement (language acquisition or language/linguistic appreciation requirement)
GEOG 129 This course meets 3 credits of my sustainability requirement INDG 100 This course meets 3 credits of my Indigenous content requirement
THTR 101 This course meets 3 credits of my creativity requirement HIST 122 This course sounds interesting and I can use it toward my electives.
CULT 100 I’m interested in a CULT major and I need this course to progress CULT 101 I’m interested in a CULT major and I need this course to progress
Term 1 Why did I choose this course? Term 2 Why did I choose this course?
KORN 100 I enjoy languages, and this course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement (language acquisition or language/linguistic appreciation requirement) KORN 101 I enjoy languages, and this course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement (language acquisition or language/linguistic appreciation requirement)
ANTH 100*** I am thinking about a major in Anthropology and testing out this course. It will satisfy 3 credits of the power, diversity, and cultures requirement ANTH 170 If I enjoy ANTH 100 after Term 1, I will take this course for the Anthropology major
ENGL 112 This course meets 3 credits of my communication requirement INDG 100 This course will also satisfy the Indigenous content requirement
BIOL 116 I might minor in Biology so I need this course as a foundation for future BIOL courses – and I can use it to satisfy the scientific literacy requirement BIOL 125 I might minor in Biology so I need this course as a foundation for future BIOL courses
N/A This is my first year so I’m choosing to take a lighter course load and maybe I’ll take a summer course in the future or take another term/year to complete my degree N/A This is my first year so I’m choosing to take a lighter course load and maybe I’ll take a summer course in the future or take another term/year to complete my degree

***Note: You may notice that some courses can satisfy both your program (major) requirements and the foundational/distribution requirements. This is called double counting. When double counting occurs, you must take an extra elective (coursework in any discipline, any level) to ensure that you meet the 120-credit requirement for your degree.

Your first-year in the BA Program

If you are entering the BA program, you will discover that your first-year is a time to try out different courses that interest you and a time to get to know just what you would like to study. Our varied course options give you the ability to explore your areas of talent and interest, and our exceptional faculty help to fine-tune and refine the focus of your learning experience.

Here are some examples of the amazingly wide range of majors a typical first-year BA student may work towards:

First-Year English

All students completing a BA degree must complete at least one first-year English course. We have provided information to help you choose the first-year English course(s) that are right for you.

First-Year planning guide

Learn more about planning your BA degree by using this step by step list to help plan your first-year courses.

Advising and Degree Planning

We are here to help. Our knowledgeable faculty members also work as Program Advisors and Coordinators, advising and mentoring for prospective and current undergraduate students. Academic Advisors, and Program Advisors can explain the academic requirements for our undergraduate programs, and give practical advice on your degree progression.

We suggest you meet with a Program Advisor or Academic Advisor to choose the courses you should be taking each year for your major.

Academic Advising

The Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has a dedicated Academic Advisor for the programs and degrees that we offer.

The Academic and Career Advising office also has a number of knowledgeable and helpful staff to assist you with all of your questions about your degree.

Faculty Program Advisors

Program Advisors are faculty members who can help you with course selection, deciding on a major, ensuring you are meeting degree requirements, and even career advice. They serve as a valuable resource in helping you achieve your educational and career goals.


Declaring your Major

BA students must declare their major at the end of their second year (after completing a minimum of 48 credits) prior to registration for third year. However, there are exceptions. BA students wishing to declare a major in Anthropology, Economics, Psychology, and Sociology may do so once they are promoted to second year.

Learn more


Academic concession forms

We understand life happens and things do not always go as planned. Explore our database for a list of forms that you may need to use while you are completing your program for the next few years.


Student Learning Hub

Learning supports at UBC Okanagan provide students with a range of skills and strategies that encourage learning excellence and promote holistic development. Students are invited to access a wide variety of learning support resources that include support programs such as academic integrity matters, free tutoring in writing, research, math, and sciences, as well as help with study skills and learning strategies.


Disability Resource Centre

The purpose of an accommodation is to allow students to overcome disability-related challenges that impede their academic success. The Disability Resource Centre assists students by offering programs and services to foster an accessible and welcoming campus.


Awards and scholarships

UBC Okanagan is committed to supporting and encouraging our students to reach their full potential during their studies. Both the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and UBC offer a number of merit-based scholarships and awards to support our students during their studies.