Undergraduate Student Communications

Important emails sent to Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Students


Summer Term 1 Final Exams will begin June 24th 2024.

Final Examination Schedule:

All exam times are Pacific Standard Time (local Kelowna time).

ACADEMIC CONCESSIONS FOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS: Out-of-Time Final Exams and Standing Deferred Requests

The Dean’s offices (FASS and FCCS) will not normally accept untimely submissions of academic concession requests regarding final examinations. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

Requests for Out-of-Time Final Exams must be made as soon as possible, and before the end of the final exams. Out of time exams must be written during the Final Exam period (on or before June 28, 2024) if approved. The request form is submitted to the Dean’s Office that is offering the course (see the list below).

Requests for Standing Deferred must be made as close as possible to the time that class attendance is adversely affected. The request for a Standing Deferred, no matter the course subject, is submitted to your home Faculty’s Dean’s Office who will process the request and if approved, and set the completion date which can be after the Final Examination period.

All concession requests require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • FCCS and FASS will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (FASS 250-807-8001) (FCCS 250-807-8543). Please see list of Course Codes below to identify which Faculty your course is in. The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.

Course Codes:

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS): https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BNLF

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies (FCCS): https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BFA, BMS

*some Course Codes and Programs are shared between Departments and Faculties. For shared course codes, the responsible Faculty is dependent on the course instructors home Department and the Faculty to which the Department belongs.

Courses offered by other Faculties may have different Academic concession procedures regarding missed final exams. Please consult their Faculty pages for more information.


1) Do not make travel plans or let others make travel plans on your behalf until you have consulted the schedule and identified when your exams are.  We will NOT consider out-of-time exam or Standing Deferred requests based on travel plans.

2) Students are expected to write their final exams at the time scheduled to avoid hardships and clashes. In-person exams must be written in-person and on campus as online alternatives will not be provided. If an alternative time and date for a final exam has been requested and approved, the delayed or deferred exam will be delivered in the same format or mode as the originally scheduled final examination.

3) If you have been informed that you have an examination hardship or clash, or believe that you are in such a situation, contact the appropriate Associate Dean in your Home Faculty.

4) The final examination period can be a busy and stressful time for students, especially for those experiencing university final examinations for the first time.  Preparation in advance of your exams and time management during your exams can have a positive impact on your academic performance.  The Student Learning Hub can assist you in preparing for your exams and for improving your overall study habits.  If you require support for your overall well-being prior to and during the final examination period, contact Student Wellness.

5) Finally, if you submit a request or contact the “wrong” Dean’s office or Associate Dean, we, the Associate Deans of FASS, FCCS, and others, will make sure that your request is directed to the most appropriate person/office and that we will all support you to the best of our ability and in compliance with the Academic Calendar for the Okanagan campus.

Good Luck with your term!

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Students
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Dr. Diana Carter

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

On Tuesday, May 21, UBC switched to a new student system called Workday for courses starting in September 2024.  With the transition to a new student system, UBC’s Degree Navigator (DN) will be replaced by Academic Progress Reports (APR) in Workday Student. DN will still be available through the end of August however, it is important to note that Workday will be the course planning tool available to students starting September. Students should be aware:

  • Your courses, credits, and grades have been moved to Workday Student
  • Some discrepancies in these records have been identified and are being fixed. Impacted students will be notified of any discrepancies directly.
  • Degree Navigator (DN) will be replaced by Academic Progress Reports (APR) in Workday Student. A tutorial on how to view your APR is available here.
  • Registration for the 2024 Winter session will occur in Workday Student. Your 2024W courses will not appear on your DN report, and 2024W versions of programs are also not available in DN.
  • If you are changing programs or adding specializations, use APR for up-to-date requirements.
  • Use Degree Navigator until August 2024 if instructed to do so by your Faculty academic advisors, but after that, you will not have access. Save or print your Degree Navigator report if needed.
  • Use APR in Workday Student for planning and tracking your academic progress from September 2024 onwards.
  • Any exceptions to requirements granted by your Faculty remain valid and will be transferred to APR by August 2024.


Learn more, log in to Workday, and access tutorials and support at students.ok.ubc.ca/workday

2024/25 WINTER SESSION Term 2

Exam Jam is back to help you countdown to finals.

This essential exam prep event can help you de-stress, manage your time, develop productive study habits, review course content, and learn about academic integrity.

Exam Jam is an event to help you get a head start on studying for exams or wrapping up final projects.

From 10 am to 4 pm on April 12, attend one, two, three, or as many activities as you can. You can also just stop by and see us in LIB 237 for a hot drink and a snack.

Collect 3 stamps when participating in activities or for each hour of study in the Student Learning Hub and enter to win a Lenovo M9 tablet!


Can’t make it? Check out the Student Learning Hub website for more resources and book an appointment.

You are receiving this email because you are a registered student in the Bachelor of Arts program offered by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, or the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.

The 2023 Winter Term 2 final exam schedule has been posted on the UBC Okanagan website, please take the time to review: students.ok.ubc.ca/courses-money-enrolment/exams
Out of Time Exam requests
An Out-of-Time exam request is an academic concession that is specific to all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS). Your request for an Out of Time exam must be made as quickly as possible, and as soon as a student knows their exam participation may be impacted. Out of Time exams must be written after the originally scheduled exam and before the end of the final examination period (on or before April 26, 2024) if approved.
If an exam cannot be written by April 26, 2024 then the student should apply for a Standing Deferred from their Home Faculty.
All concession requests require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • Medical notes and supporting documents will be accepted if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (see below). The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student’s name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.
  • We cannot schedule out-of-time exams based on time zone or travel plans.

You will find Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Concession Request Forms here: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/ for the following courses:

  • ANTH, CCS, ECON, GEOG, GWST, HIST, INDG, PHIL, POLI, PSYO, SOCI, INLG, NSYL, COSC*, DATA*, MATH**some Course Codes and Programs are shared between Departments and Faculties. For shared course codes, the Faculty responsible is dependent on the course instructors home Department and the Faculty to which the Department belongs.

Email the completed form with supporting documentation to fass.students.ubco@ubc.ca, or indicate that the documentation will be faxed to 250-807-8001.
You will find Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Concession Request Forms here: fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/


Email the completed form with supporting documentation to FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca or indicate that the documentation will be faxed to 250-807-8543.
Courses offered by other Faculties may have different Academic concession procedures regarding missed final exams. Please consult their Faculty pages for more information.
Good luck with your exams. Study, rest, and if you have any questions about your exams ask your instructors.
Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Rohanna Wheatley
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Student Support

Dr. Diana Carter
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
Wendy White
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies – Student Support

Dear Students,

Please be aware of the upcoming Course Withdrawal deadline:
Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 11:59pm (PDT; local Kelowna time) –
Last day to withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund); please note you can self-withdraw through SSC; you do not need Dean’s Office approval or to complete a form until after March 22.

If you are struggling in a course, a withdrawal can be a better decision than a low grade or a fail. As noted in the Academic Calendar, “Such standings will not be included in computing averages.” If you are concerned about the potential impact of withdrawing from a course, consult with Academic Advising.

After March 22, 2024, you will need to apply for concession to receive a withdrawal. Requests for academic concessions must be submitted as close as possible to the time that the class attendance is adversely affected. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved. Please be sure to note the requirements for concession as explained on the form and to provide appropriate documentation.

Submit concession forms to your home Faculty based on your Program of Study (Major).

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/

  • BFA-O
  • BMS-O
  • BA-O in one of the following Majors:

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • BA-O in one of the following Majors:

Best wishes for a successful end to your semester,

Donna Senese, PhD
Associate Dean, Students
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Diana Carter, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Dear Students,

Welcome and welcome back!
We hope you had a nice break over the holidays. To keep you on track academically for the coming semester, we want to share some helpful information as a reminder for all students taking courses in our Faculties.

  1. Check your email daily, including your SPAM/JUNK folder. Please read any email from UBC carefully, and act on requests immediately. The University will not accept the excuse that the student did not read the email, or misunderstood the information provided. If you are uncertain, please do not hesitate to contact our offices:fass.students.ubco@ubc.ca or  FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca
  2. Whenever you email a member of the UBC community, please include your student number. If you are writing about a specific course, please provide all details (e.g. course name and number, course instructor)
  3. Before making travel plans during the exam period (April 15-26) or letting others make travel plans on your behalf, wait until the exam schedule is released in early February. We cannot schedule out-of-time exams based on travel plans or for time zone reasons.
  4. Please review the policy on Academic Misconduct.
    Review carefully all instructions provided by your instructors about assignments and exams; if you are uncertain about anything, check with your instructor. For more examples visit our new Academic Integrity website.
  5. Please be aware of Course Withdrawal deadlines
    For Term 2 Courses:

    • Friday, January19 , 2024 @ 11:59pm PST: Last day to self withdraw without a W on your record (full tuition refund)
    • Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 11:59pm PST: Last day to self withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund) If you wish to withdraw from a Term 2 class after March 22, 2024 you must request a Late Withdrawal from the Dean’s Office. Note that the fact that a student is failing a course is not an adequate reason for a Late Withdrawal. All requests must be accompanied by acceptable supporting documentation.

All forms should be submitted to your home faculty. For more information and links to the forms, please see:
Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/
If you are taking a course in a faculty other than the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or the Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies, please submit your form to our offices and we will contact the other faculty for you.
Academic support at the Student Learning Hub
Practice good learning skills in the first weeks of classes to see whether you are able to manage the learning environment. Contact the Student Learning Hub for advice.
Need some assistance with registration or declaring a major? Contact an Academic Advisor or view the Program Plans, a quick reference guide for students to learn about the opportunities available in each Major to enhance their university experience.
Graduation Application Deadlines
With the application process for graduation now open, students are encouraged to apply for graduation in May 2024 by the February 28, 2024 deadline. Students who do not apply by the deadline may need to apply for graduation in November 2024. Late applications will only be accepted in extremely extenuating circumstances. Please ensure you have met all graduation requirements and if possible see an Academic Advisor prior to the January19, 2024 add/drop date.

We want you to succeed! Please use the many resources available to you on our campus.
Best wishes for a successful semester,
Dr. Donna Senese – Associate Dean Undergraduate Students, IKB Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Diana Carter – Associate Dean, Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies


Academic Scheduling has now released the 2023W T1 Final Exam schedule.

Final Examination Schedule:

All times are Pacific Standard Time (local Kelowna time).

ACADEMIC CONCESSIONS FOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS: Out-of-Time Final Exams and Standing Deferred Requests

The Dean’s offices (FASS and FCCS) will not normally accept untimely submissions of academic concession requests regarding final examinations. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

Requests for Out-of-Time Final Exams must be made as soon as possible, and before the end of the final exams. Out of time exams must be written during the Final Exam period (on or before December 21, 2023) if approved. The request form is submitted to the Dean’s Office that is offering the course (see the list below).

Requests for Standing Deferred must be made as soon as possible to the time that class attendance is adversely affected. The request for a Standing Deferred, no matter the course subject, is submitted to your home Faculty’s Dean’s Office who will process the request and if approved, set the completion date which can be after the Final Examination period.

All concession requests require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • FCCS and FASS will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (FASS 250-807-8001) (FCCS 250-807-8543). Please see list of Course Codes below to identify which Faculty your course is in. The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.

Course Codes:

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS): https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BNLF

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies (FCCS): https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BFA, BMS

*some Course Codes and Programs are shared between Departments and Faculties. For shared course codes, the responsible Faculty is dependent on the course instructors home Department and the Faculty to which the Department belongs.

Courses offered by other Faculties may have different Academic concession procedures regarding missed final exams. Please consult their Faculty pages for more information.


1) Do not make travel plans or let others make travel plans on your behalf until you have consulted the schedule and identified when your exams are.  We will NOT consider out-of-time exam or Standing Deferred requests based on travel plans.

2) Students are expected to write their final exams at the time scheduled to avoid hardships and clashes. In-person exams must be written in-person and on campus as online alternatives will not be provided. If an alternative time and date for a final exam has been requested and approved, the delayed or deferred exam will be delivered in the same format or mode as the originally scheduled final examination.

3) If you have been informed that you have an examination hardship or clash, or believe that you are in such a situation, contact the appropriate Associate Dean in your Home Faculty.

4) The final examination period can be a busy and stressful time for students, especially for those experiencing university final examinations for the first time.  Preparation in advance of your exams and time management during your exams can have a positive impact on your academic performance.  The Student Learning Hub can assist you in preparing for your exams and for improving your overall study habits.  If you require support for your overall well-being prior to and during the final examination period, contact Student Wellness.

5) Finally, if you submit a request or contact the “wrong” Dean’s office or Associate Dean, we, the Associate Deans of FASS, FCCS, and others, will make sure that your request is directed to the most appropriate person/office and that we will all support you to the best of our ability and in compliance with the Academic Calendar for the Okanagan campus.
6) Exam Jam: bigger and better than ever! December 8, 2023

Exam Jam is back to help with your finals focus! This essential exam prep event can help you de-stress, manage your time, develop productive study habits, review course content, and learn about academic integrity. Exam Jam is an event to help you get a head start on studying for exams or wrapping up final projects.

On December 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., attend one, two, three, or as many activities as you can. You can also just stop by and see us in LIB 237 for a hot drink and a snack!

Collect three stamps when participating in activities or for each hour of study in the Student Learning Hub and enter to win an Amazon Fire tablet!


Can’t make it? Check out the Student Learning Hub website for more resources and book an appointment!


Please be aware of Course Withdrawal deadlines: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/index.cfm?go=deadlines.

Friday, November 10, 2023, before 11:59pm, was the last day a student can withdraw from a course.  A “W” will appear on the academic record and with no tuition readjustment or refund.

– If you are taking a 2-semester course, please consult this calendar link for withdrawal dates.

Good Luck with your term!

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Students
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rohanna Wheatley
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Student Support

Dear Students,

I hope the term is going well.

Please find below services updates from Breanne Molnar, Senior Manager of Learning Resources at UBC Okanagan’s Student Learning Hub:

Beginning Monday, Sept.11th the SLH will be open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm, offering a wide variety of free in-person, virtual, and self-guided supports, which include:

  • NEW! Learning Strategist Services – We are pleased to announce a (temporary) expansion of Learning Strategist services! Through March 2024, we will have 2 Learning Strategists available. Here is an overview of support options:
        • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will be appointment days. To book, students login to QReserve and choose a day/time that works best for them. In-person and virtual options available.
        • Tuesdays and Thursday mornings are drop-in days. From 9am-12pm a Learning Strategist will be available to meet with students on a first-come-first-serve basis. During the afternoons, Strategists will be available by appointments.
        •  Faculty and staff are welcome to refer students. For full details and a link to the Faculty & Staff Referral Form visit the Learning Strategist webpage.
    • Subject Tutoring – Tutoring services will be available via a combination of appointment and drop-in supports. With a team of 16 Subject Tutors, the SLH will offer support for the following subject areas: ANTH, APSC, BIOC, BIOL, CHEM, COSC, CULT, DATA, EESC, GEOG, HES, INDG, HIST, MATH, PHYS, POLI, PSYO, SOCI, and STAT.
      • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be appointment days. To book, students login to QReserve and choose a day/time that works best for them. In-person and virtual options available.
      • Tuesdays and Thursdays will be drop-in days. Students are encouraged to visit the SLH to meet with a tutor, study in a supportive environment, and engage in learning communities with their peers.
      • The 2023W Term 1 Subject Tutor Schedules will be available (soon) on the Subject Tutoring webpage.
    • SLH in Residence – Subject Tutoring will continue being offered in residence! Drop-in tutoring and supported study for biology, chemistry, engineering, math, physics and more will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00pm-7:00pm. Students are welcome to visit Nechako 241 to meet with a tutor after hours! For full details and the Nechako Tutoring Schedule visit the Subject Tutoring webpage.
    • Supplemental Learning – Throughout the 2023W session, SL Leaders will support a total of 20 first and second year courses. Every week SL Leaders will facilitate in-person sessions, virtual sessions, and host office hours to demonstrate effective ways to engage with and learn academic concepts. For full details and to view the Term 1 SL Session Schedule visit the Supplemental Learning webpage.
    • Writing & Language Consultations – The SLH offers free writing and language support for undergraduate students. To receive support with academic writing, language proficiency, or English language development, students are encouraged to book a one-on-one meeting with a Writing or Language Consultant. For full details and booking information, visit the Writing & Language Consultations webpage.
    • Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) – The SLH’s AIM Consultants provide one-on-one meetings for students who would like to feel more confident in their understanding of academic integrity. Consultants provide writing support with a focus on avoiding plagiarism, integrating sources, and the where/when/why of in-text citations. For AIM support, contact aim.ok@ubc.ca or book directly with an AIM consultant.
    • Self-Guided Resources – The SLH has curated a wide variety of asynchronous resources. Students are welcome to explore learning strategies and tips on the Self-Guided Resources webpage.
    • Exam Jam – Exam Jam has received a refresh! The SLH will run not 1, not 2, but 3 Exam Jams this year! Through peer and professional led sessions, Exam Jams will demonstrate the best practices to develop effective studying, learning, and wellbeing practices. Exam Jam is fun, there’s great prizes, and students can prepare for their midterms and finals throughout the year.
      • Exam Jam: Midterm Motivation – Thursday, October 5th, 2:00pm-7:00pm
      • Exam Jam: Finals Focus – Friday, December 8th, 10:00am-4:00pm
      • Exam Jam: The Finals Countdown – Tuesday, April 4th, 2:00pm-7:00pm

    I hope you take advantage of these valuable resources. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact learning.hub@ubc.ca.

    Dr. Donna Senese
    Associate Dean, Students
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Hello Everyone,

Beginning Monday, Sept.11th the SLH will be open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm, offering a wide variety of free in-person, virtual, and self-guided supports, which include:

  1. NEW! Learning Strategist Services – We are pleased to announce a (temporary) expansion of Learning Strategist services! Through March 2024, we will have 2 Learning Strategists available. Here is an overview of support options:
    1. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will be appointment days. To book, students login to QReserve and choose a day/time that works best for them. In-person and virtual options available.
    2. Tuesdays and Thursday mornings are drop-in days. From 9am-12pm a Learning Strategist will be available to meet with students on a first-come-first-serve basis. During the afternoons, Strategists will be available by appointments.
    3. Referrals: Faculty and staff are welcome to refer students. For full details and a link to the Faculty & Staff Referral Formvisit the Learning Strategist webpage.
  1. Subject Tutoring – Tutoring services will be available via a combination of appointment and drop-in supports. With a team of 16 Subject Tutors, the SLH will offer support for the following subject areas: ANTH, APSC, BIOC, BIOL, CHEM, COSC, CULT, DATA, EESC, GEOG, HES, INDG, HIST, MATH, PHYS, POLI, PSYO, SOCI, and STAT.
    1. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be appointment days. To book, students login to QReserve and choose a day/time that works best for them. In-person and virtual options available.
    2. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be drop-in days. Students are encouraged to visit the SLH to meet with a tutor, study in a supportive environment, and engage in learning communities with their peers.
    3. The 2023W Term 1 Subject Tutor Schedules will be available (soon) on the Subject Tutoring webpage.
  1. SLH in Residence – Subject Tutoring will continue being offered in residence! Drop-in tutoring and supported study for biology, chemistry, engineering, math, physics and more will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00pm-7:00pm. Students are welcome to visit Nechako 241 to meet with a tutor after hours! For full details and the Nechako Tutoring Schedule visit the Subject Tutoring webpage.
  1. Supplemental Learning – Throughout the 2023W session, SL Leaders will support a total of 20 first and second year courses. Every week SL Leaders will facilitate in-person sessions, virtual sessions, and host office hours to demonstrate effective ways to engage with and learn academic concepts. For full details and to view the Term 1 SL Session Schedule visit the Supplemental Learning webpage.
  1. Writing & Language Consultations – The SLH offers free writing and language support for undergraduate students. To receive support with academic writing, language proficiency, or English language development, students are encouraged to book a one-on-one meeting with a Writing or Language Consultant. For full details and booking information, visit the Writing & Language Consultations webpage.
  1. Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) – The SLH’s AIM Consultants provide one-on-one meetings for students who would like to feel more confident in their understanding of academic integrity. Consultants provide writing support with a focus on avoiding plagiarism, integrating sources, and the where/when/why of in-text citations. For AIM support, contact aim.ok@ubc.ca or book directly with an AIM consultant.
  1. Self-Guided Resources – The SLH has curated a wide variety of asynchronous resources. Students are welcome to explore learning strategies and tips on the Self-Guided Resources webpage.
  1. Exam Jam – Exam Jam has received a refresh! The SLH will run not 1, not 2, but 3 Exam Jams this year! Through peer and professional led sessions, Exam Jams will demonstrate the best practices to develop effective studying, learning, and wellbeing practices. Exam Jam is fun, there’s great prizes, and students can prepare for their midterms and finals throughout the year.
    1. Exam Jam: Midterm Motivation – Thursday, October 5th, 2:00pm-7:00pm
    2. Exam Jam: Finals Focus – Friday, December 8th, 10:00am-4:00pm
    3. Exam Jam: The Finals Countdown – Tuesday, April 4th, 2:00pm-7:00pm

Phew, that’s a lot of information! Should anyone have questions or would like more information, please contact learning.hub@ubc.ca.

Best Regards,

Breanne Molnar  BA, BEd, MEd
Senior Manager, Learning Resources
AVP Students – Student Engagement & Learning
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus
3272 University Way | Kelowna BC | V1V 1V7 Canada

To all new and returning students – welcome to UBC Okanagan!

You are receiving this email because you are a registered student in the Bachelor of Arts program offered by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, or the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.
To keep you on track with your academic studies, we want to share some helpful information.

Academic Concessions: (Requests for Late Withdrawal, Out-of-Time-Exam, Standing Deferred, etc.). Note that requests must be submitted as close as possible to the date of the incident, and normally within the term that the course was taken:

Course Withdrawal deadlines for Term 1: okanagan.calendar.ubc.ca/dates-and-deadlines

  • Monday September 18, 2023 @ 11:59pm: Last day to withdraw without a W on your record (full tuition refund)
  • Friday November 10, 2023 @ 11:59pm: Last day to withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund)

After November 10, 2023 you must request a Late Withdrawal from the Dean’s Office. Note that the fact that a student is failing a course is not an adequate reason for a Late Withdrawal, and all requests must be accompanied by acceptable supporting documentation.

Final Exams: Do not book flights home until after the exam schedule is posted in early October. It’s expensive to change your flight! Do not sign contracts or accept jobs that start before the end of the exam period; we will not approve an Out-of-Time exam for any of these reasons.
Standing Deferred: If you are unable to complete a course, usually due to serious injury or illness, you may request a Standing Deferred, which allows you to complete the course in the following term. Note that you must have completed 60% of the course evaluation and have a minimum grade of 60% in the course work completed to date before the request will be considered for approval.
You may wish to review the policy on Academic Misconduct: okanagan.calendar.ubc.ca/campus-wide-policies-and-regulations/student-conduct-and-discipline
Ask for help! 

Visit our Orientation web pages for some helpful links to resources at UBCO and a FAQ from our Associate Deans.

Need some assistance with registration or help declaring your major? Need help with program requirements?

Contact an Academic Advisor:

Contact a Program Advisor:

Finally, we encourage you to read the Student Declaration and Responsibility, which you agreed to when you registered for classes at UBC: okanagan.calendar.ubc.ca/campus-wide-policies-and-regulations/student-rights-and-responsibilities
If you have any questions, you can send us an email or contact us anytime!
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies: Location: CCS 323

Email:             FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca
Twitter:          twitter.com/ubcfccs
Facebook:      facebook.com/UBCFCCS
Website:         fccs.ok.ubc.ca
Instagram:     instagram.com/fccs.ubco

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Location: ASC 413

Email:             FASS.students.ubco@ubc.ca
Twitter:          twitter.com/fass_ubco
Facebook:      facebook.com/fass.ubco
Website:         fass.ok.ubc.ca
Instagram:     instagram.com/fass.ubco

Our very best wishes to you for a successful academic year!

Diana Carter, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Donna Senese, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Students
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences



The Dean’s office will not normally accept untimely submissions of academic concession requests regarding final examinations and course standing. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

All concession requests require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (250-807-8001). The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student’s name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.

The following Academic concessions are processed by your Home Faculty, the IKB Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; forms can be found HERE:

Standing Deferred
Requests for Standing Deferred in any course you are currently registered in, no matter the course code, must be made as soon as possible and close to the time that class attendance is adversely affected. A request for Standing Deferred is required if events occur that prevent a student from completing the course including the final examination before April 28, 2023. If the request is approved the Dean’s Office will set a completion date early in the subsequent term.

Late Withdrawal

Friday March 24, 2023, before 11:59pm, was the last day a student could self-withdraw from a course.  A “W” will appear on the academic record and with no tuition readjustment or refund.

Withdrawal after March 24, 2023:

The Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) does not normally approve withdrawal from courses after the Withdrawal deadline unless there are exceptional circumstances.  UBCO FASS students who need to withdraw from ANY of their Term 2 courses after the self-withdrawal date are required to submit a Late Withdrawal request form to the Dean’s Office. All requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Requests must be submitted as close to the date when class attendance was adversely affected. A student will not normally be granted late withdrawal if the final examination has been sat or final assignment completed.

The Late Withdrawal concession is not a mechanism for students to avoid a failing grade in a course or courses that they attempted to complete.

For more information on Academic Concession please refer to the new campus-wide policy


1) Do not make travel plans or let others make travel plans on your behalf until you have consulted the schedule and identified when your exams are.  We will NOT consider Academic Concession requests based on travel plans.

2) Students are expected to write their final exams at the time scheduled to avoid hardships and clashes. In-person exams must be written in-person and on campus. Online alternatives will not be provided for scheduled in person exams. If an alternative time and date for a final exam has been requested and approved, the deferred exam will be delivered in the same format and mode as the originally scheduled final examination.

4) The final examination period can be a busy and stressful time for students, especially for those experiencing university final examinations for the first time.  Preparation in advance of your exams and time management during your exams can have a positive impact on your academic performance.  The Student Learning Hub can assist you in preparing for your exams and for improving your overall study habits.  If you require support for your overall well-being prior to and during the final examination period, contact Student Wellness.

5) If you feel you need some extra personal support, you can explore resources provided by Student Wellness. You can make an appointment to talk with a counsellor by emailing: healthwellness.okanagan@ubc.ca

6) Finally, if you submit a request or contact the “wrong” Dean’s office or Associate Dean, we, the Associate Deans of FASS, FCCS, FoS and others, will direct your request to the appropriate person/office as we attempt to support you to the best of our ability and in compliance with the Academic Calendar for the Okanagan campus.

Good luck with your exams. Study, rest, and if you have any questions about your exams ask your instructors.

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rohanna Wheatley
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Student Support

Out of Time Exam requests

An Out-of-Time exam request is an academic concession that is specific to all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). Your request for an Out of Time exam must be made as quickly as possible, and as soon as a student knows their exam participation may be impacted. Out of Time exams must be written after the originally scheduled exam and before the end of the final examination period (on or before April 28, 2023) if approved.

If an exam cannot be written by April 28, 2023 then the student should apply for a Standing Deferred from their Home Faculty.

All concession requests to the I.K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (250-807-8001). The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student’s name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.

You will find Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Concession Request Forms here: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/ for the following courses:

  • ANTH, CCS, ECON, GEOG, GWST, HIST, INDG, PHIL, POLI, PSYO, SOCI, INLG, NSYL, COSC*, DATA*, MATH**some Course Codes and Programs are shared between Departments and Faculties. For shared course codes, the Faculty responsible is dependent on the course instructors home Department and the Faculty to which the Department belongs.

If you require an Out of Time Exam, please read our page on academic concessions and complete the request for an Out-of-Time examination.

Email the completed form with supporting documentation to fass.students.ubco@ubc.ca, or indicate that the documentation will be faxed to 250-807-8001
Courses offered by other Faculties may have different Academic concession procedures regarding missed final exams. Please consult their Faculty pages for more information.

Good luck with your exams. Study, rest, and if you have any questions about your exams ask your instructors.

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rohanna Wheatley
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Student Support

**This message is being sent on behalf of Silvia Tomášková, Dean, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences**

Dear Students,

I am writing to remind you that the annual Roger Watts Debate takes place on Wednesday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m.

Named after the late Roger Watts, a respected member of the Okanagan’s legal community, the debate is one of our Faculty’s longest-running events. The debate is hosted by the Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science, and provides a public forum to debate important issues of the day.

This year, students will argue for and against the following topic: “Be it resolved that Canada’s affordability crisis justifies a temporary wealth tax.

Prizes of $1,000 will be awarded to the first-place finishers, while prizes of $500 will be awarded to the runners-up.
I urge all of you to spread the word, and to come out and support your peers. This event is sure to highlight the hard work, dedication, and talent of undergraduate students in our Faculty.  I look forward to seeing you there.

To learn more and register, visit https://epp.ok.ubc.ca/about/roger-watts-debate/


Silvia Tomášková
Dean, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Dear Student,

Please be aware of the upcoming Course Withdrawal deadline:
Friday, March 24, 2023 @ 11:59pm (PDT; local Kelowna time) –
Last day to withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund); please note you can self-withdraw through SSC; you do not need Dean’s Office approval or to complete a form until after March 24.
If you are struggling in a course, a withdrawal can be a better decision than a low grade or a fail. As noted in the Academic Calendar, “Such standings will not be included in computing averages.” If you are concerned about the potential impact of withdrawing from a course, consult with Academic Advising.

After March 24, 2023, you will need to apply for concession to receive a withdrawal. Requests for academic concessions must be submitted as close as possible to the time that the class attendance is adversely affected. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved. Please be sure to note the requirements for concession as explained on the form and to provide appropriate documentation.

Submit concession forms to your home Faculty based on your Program of Study (Major).

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/

  • BFA-O
  • BMS-O
  • BA-O in one of the following Majors:

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • BA-O in one of the following Majors:

Best wishes for a successful end to your semester,

Donna Senese, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Student Recruitment, Services & Success
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Diana Carter, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Dear students,

In April 2023, UBC Okanagan’s Senate Policy Working Group will review UBC Okanagan’s Policy on Examinations. The Working Group seeks student feedback to inform Senate discussions on potential policy changes.

Please register for the FASS event, scheduled for Friday, March 3, 2023, at 9 a.m.

Focus groups are limited to 10 students per group, will be 1-hour long, and conducted via Zoom.

Please note that registration in a focus group indicates your consent to having the session audio-recorded and transcribed to inform aggregate findings. Audio recordings will be deleted by September 2023.

For more information, please visit: UBCO Exam Policy Focus Group: IKB Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Tickets, Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences | ASC 407
The University of British Columbia | The University of British Columbia | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory
3187 University Way | Kelowna BC | V1V 1V7 Canada
Phone 250 807 9267 | Fax 250 807 8001

Dear Students,

Welcome and welcome back!

We hope you had a nice break over the holidays. To keep you on track academically for the coming semester, we want to share some helpful information as a reminder for all students taking courses in our Faculties.

  1. Check your email daily, including your SPAM/JUNK folder. Please read any email from UBC carefully, and act on requests immediately. The University will not accept the excuse that the student did not read the email, or misunderstood the information provided. If you are uncertain, please do not hesitate to contact our offices:fass.students.ubco@ubc.ca or  FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca
  2. Whenever you email a member of the UBC community, please include your student number. If you are writing about a specific course, please provide all details (e.g. course name and number, course instructor)
  3. Before making travel plans during the exam period (April 17-28) or letting others make travel plans on your behalf, wait until the exam schedule is released in early February. We cannot schedule out-of-time exams based on travel plans or for time zone reasons.
  4. Please review the policy on Academic Misconduct:http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/Okanagan/index.cfm?tree=3,54,111,958.
    Review carefully all instructions provided by your instructors about assignments and exams; if you are uncertain about anything, check with your instructor. For more examples visit our new Academic Integrity website.
  5. Please be aware of Course Withdrawal deadlines:http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/index.cfm?go=deadlines
    For Term 2 Courses:

    • Friday, January 20, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST: Last day to self withdraw without a W on your record (full tuition refund)
    • Friday, March 24, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST: Last day to self withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund) If you wish to withdraw from a Term 2 class after March 24, 2022 you must request a Late Withdrawal from the Dean’s Office. Note that the fact that a student is failing a course is not an adequate reason for a Late Withdrawal. All requests must be accompanied by acceptable supporting documentation.

Submit Out of Time forms to the Faculty  who owns the course. All other forms should be submitted to your home faculty. For more information and links to the forms, please see:

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/


Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

If you are taking a course in a faculty other than the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences or the Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies, please submit your form to our offices and we will contact the other faculty for you.

Expectations and advice:

Time zones

Please be aware that the university will operate during normal working hours in Kelowna, BC. While many instructors are accommodating students by offering asynchronous class activities, some activities must be completed at the scheduled time in Kelowna, BC. Instructors are not obligated to provide academic concessions to students because of time zone differences. Please review your course syllabi carefully to see which, if any, activities require you to participate at local Kelowna time. If you feel unable to participate in those activities, you may wish to withdraw from those courses by the Add/Drop deadline on January 20, 2023.

Technology requirements

Please review course syllabi to ensure you have the technology required to participate in the course. Instructors are not obligated to provide students with an academic concession if they do not have the minimum technology needs to complete their course. If you are not able to meet the technology requirements for a course, you can withdraw from those courses by the Add/Drop deadline on January 20, 2023.

Students in financial need may also be eligible for assistance through the UBC Technology Bursary to help offset the cost of repairing or replacing failing technology.

Academic support at the Student Learning Hub

Learning in an online or hybrid situation requires considerable self-discipline and time-management skills. Practice good learning skills in the first weeks of classes to see whether you are able to manage the learning environment. Contact the Student Learning Hub for advice and, if you are struggling, consider withdrawing from courses by the Add/Drop deadline on January 20, 2023.

The Student Learning Hub is your go-to resource for free learning support—now online and flexible to meet your remote learning needs! The Hub welcomes undergraduate students from all disciplines and years to access a range of supports that include tutoring in math, sciences, languages, and writing, as well as dedicated learning support to help you develop skills and strategies for academic success. Don’t wait—successful learners access support early and often. For more information, visit students.ok.ubc.ca/hub or contact learning.hub@ubc.ca.
Additional information about online learning can be found at: learningcommons.ubc.ca

Program Plans

Program Plans have been designed to help students at any stage to explore all areas of each Major offered by the faculties. From academic endeavours to extracurricular activities, career explorations or study abroad programs, the goal of the Program Plans is to provide a quick reference guide for students to learn about the opportunities available in each Major to enhance their university experience.
Some key highlights that are noted within the Program Plans:

  • Timelines—when to declare a major, apply for graduation, explore co-op programs, and more.
  • Connections—mentorship programs, clubs or student associations, volunteering opportunities, etc.
  • Skill-building—cocurricular funding opportunities, Career Development events, Work Study jobs, etc.

You can review the Program Plans today!

Need some assistance with registration or declaring a major? Contact an Academic Advisor.

We want you to succeed! Please use the many resources available to you on our campus.

Best wishes for a successful semester,

Dr. Donna Senese – Associate Dean Undergraduate Students, IKB Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Dr. Diana Carter – Associate Dean, Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies


Academic Scheduling has now released the 2022W T1 Final Exam schedule.

Final Examination Schedule:

All times are Pacific Standard Time (local Kelowna time).

ACADEMIC CONCESSIONS FOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS: Out-of-Time Final Exams and Standing Deferred Requests

The Dean’s offices (FASS, FCCS, and FOS) will not normally accept untimely submissions of academic concession requests regarding final examinations. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

Requests for Out-of-Time Final Exams must be made as soon as possible, and before the end of the final exams. Out of time exams must be written during the Final Exam period (on or before December 22, 2022) if approved. The request form is submitted to the Dean’s Office that is offering the course (see the list below).

Requests for Standing Deferred must be made as soon as possible to the time that class attendance is adversely affected. The request for a Standing Deferred, no matter the course subject, is submitted to your home Faculty’s Dean’s Office who will process the request and if approved, set the completion date which can be after the Final Examination period.

All concession requests require appropriate supporting documentation, unless the accommodation request is for a religious observance or for the cultural observances of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  • FCCS, FASS and FOS will accept medical notes and supporting documents if they are faxed directly from the practitioner’s office to the secure fax machine in the Dean’s office (FASS / FOS 250-807-8001) (FCCS 250-807-8543). Please see list of Course Codes below to identify which Faculty your course is in. The fax must include a cover page from the practitioner’s office, the student name in full (e.g. see the contact information required on the individual concession request forms), and the document must be dated.

Course Codes:

Irving K Barber Faculty of Arts & Sciences (FASS): https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BNLF

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies (FCCS): https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/

  • Programs: BA*, BFA, BMS

Irving K Barber Faculty of Science (FoS): https://science.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/

  • Programs: BSc, B.Sust

*some Course Codes and Programs are shared between Departments and Faculties. For shared course codes, the responsible Faculty is dependent on the course instructors home Department and the Faculty to which the Department belongs.

Courses offered by other Faculties may have different Academic concession procedures regarding missed final exams. Please consult their Faculty pages for more information.


1) Do not make travel plans or let others make travel plans on your behalf until you have consulted the schedule and identified when your exams are.  We will NOT consider out-of-time exam or Standing Deferred requests based on travel plans.

2) Students are expected to write their final exams at the time scheduled to avoid hardships and clashes. In-person exams must be written in-person and on campus as online alternatives will not be provided. If an alternative time and date for a final exam has been requested and approved, the delayed or deferred exam will be delivered in the same format or mode as the originally scheduled final examination.

3) If you have been informed that you have an examination hardship or clash, or believe that you are in such a situation, contact the appropriate Associate Dean in your Home Faculty.

4) The final examination period can be a busy and stressful time for students, especially for those experiencing university final examinations for the first time.  Preparation in advance of your exams and time management during your exams can have a positive impact on your academic performance.  The Student Learning Hub can assist you in preparing for your exams and for improving your overall study habits.  If you require support for your overall well-being prior to and during the final examination period, contact Student Wellness.

5) Finally, if you submit a request or contact the “wrong” Dean’s office or Associate Dean, we, the Associate Deans of FoS, FASS and FCCS and others, will make sure that your request is directed to the most appropriate person/office and that we will all support you to the best of our ability and in compliance with the Academic Calendar for the Okanagan campus.


Please be aware of Course Withdrawal deadlines: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/index.cfm?go=deadlines.

Friday November 18, 2022, before 11:59pm, is the last day a student can withdraw from a course.  A “W” will appear on the academic record and with no tuition readjustment or refund.

– If you are taking a 2-semester course, please consult this calendar link for withdrawal dates.

Good Luck with your term!

Dr. Donna Senese
Associate Dean, Students
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rohanna Wheatley
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Student Support

To all students new to UBC’s Okanagan Campus – welcome!
To all students returning to UBC’s Okanagan Campus – welcome back!

You are receiving this email because you are a registered student in the Bachelor of Arts program offered by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, or the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences.

To keep you on track this year, we want to share some helpful information:

  1. We want you to succeed and your well-being plays an important part. At UBC Okanagan, health services to students are provided by Health and Wellness. Please use the many resources available to you on our campus.
  1. Check your email daily, including your SPAM folder.Please read any email from UBC carefully, and act on requests immediately. The University will not accept the excuse that the student did not read the email, or misunderstood the information provided. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca or fass.students.ubco@ubc.ca.3.  Whenever you email a UBC office, please include your student number. If you are writing about a specific course, please provide all details (e.g. course name and number, course instructor) so we can help you efficiently.4.  Please read the Student Declaration and Responsibility, which you agreed to when you registered for classes at UBC: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/index.cfm?tree=3,293,861,0.

You should also review your rights as a member of the UBC Communityhttp://www.calendar.ubc.ca/okanagan/index.cfm?tree=3,293,875,0.

  1. Do not make travel plans or let others make travel plans on your behalf until the exam schedule is released in early October. We cannot schedule out-of-time exams based on time zone or travel plans.
  2. Please review the policy on Academic Misconduct: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/Okanagan/index.cfm?tree=3,54,111,958. Review carefully all instructions provided by your instructors about assignments and exams; if you are uncertain about anything, check with your instructor.7.      Please be aware of Course Withdrawal deadlines:For Term 1 CoursesTuesday September 19, 2022 @ 11:59pm Last day to withdraw without a W on your record (full tuition refund)Friday November 18, 2022 @ 11:59pm        Last day to withdraw with a W on your record (no tuition refund)If you are taking a 2-semester course, please consult this calendar link for withdrawal dates. Please also consult the Student Service Centre (SSC) if you are taking a course that is scheduled outside normal semester start/ end dates.If you wish to withdraw from a Term 1 class after November 18, 2022 you must request a Late Withdrawal from the Dean’s Office. Note that failing a course is not an adequate reason for a Late Withdrawal by any student. All requests must be accompanied by acceptable supporting documentation.
  3. Academic Concessions:Requests for academic concessions must be submitted as close as possible to the time that class attendance is adversely affected. In the case of requests for Late Withdrawal, requests must be made before the end of term (note that the term ends on the last day of classes, not the last day of final exams). In the case of requests for Out-of-Time Final Exams and Standing Deferred, requests must be made as soon as possible, and before the end of final exams.  When considering requests, or any appeals of decisions on academic concessions, the Dean’s office will not normally accept untimely submissions. Initiating a request for an academic concession does not ensure that the concession will be approved.

Submit forms to the appropriate Faculty based on the course for which you are requesting an academic concession.

Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/forms/


Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/student-resources/undergrad/student-forms/


If you are taking a course in a faculty other than the Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences or the Faculty of Creative & Critical Studies, please submit your form to our offices and we will contact the other faculty for you.

Normally, when medical documentation is provided to support an academic concession request, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Original document required (no photocopies, scans, or photos taken by your cell phone).
  • Signature of the medical professional must be in ink; digital signatures are not accepted unless stamped in ink by the clinic.
  1. Expectations and advice: In the next few days, please read your course outlines carefully and ensure you understand the expectations.
  2. For students who plan to graduate in spring of 2023, please note graduation is not automatic. If you are planning to graduate in May 2023, you must apply for graduation.

The deadline to apply for spring graduation is Tuesday, February 28, 2023, for all degrees. If you do not apply by the February 28, 2023 deadline, you will not graduate, and will need to apply for graduation in November 2023.

To apply for graduation, please use the application form found on your SSC, located under the ‘Graduation’ tab.

Ask for help! 

Visit our Orientation web pages for some helpful links to resources at UBCO and a FAQ from our Associate Deans.


Need some assistance with registration or help declaring your major? Need help with program requirements?

Contact an Academic Advisor:


Contact a Program Advisor:

Courses and programs offered in the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies: https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/degrees-programs/undergraduate-programs/

Courses and programs offered in Irving K. Barber FASS: https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/programs/

If you have any questions, you can send us an email or contact us anytime!

Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies: Location: CCS 323B

Email:             FCCSstudents.ok@ubc.ca
Twitter:          twitter.com/ubcfccs
Facebook:      www.facebook.com/UBCFCCS
Website:         fccs.ok.ubc.ca/
Instagram:     instagram.com/fccs.ubco

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: Location: ASC 413

Email:             FASS.students.ubco@ubc.ca
Twitter:          https://twitter.com/fass_ubco
Facebook:      https://www.facebook.com/fass.ubco
Website:         https://fass.ok.ubc.ca/
Instagram:     https://www.instagram.com/fass.ubco

Our very best wishes to you for a successful academic year!

Jordan Stouck, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Donna Senese, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Students
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences